Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha who was recently seen celebrating Christmas with the student of ‘Angel Xpress Foundation’ (AXF), says that the best way to celebrate Christmas, is with the children. She further added that she aims to do this every year, because this gives her an incredible feelings.
Sonakshi Sinha was interacting with the media on Saturday in Mumbai.
Sonakshi Sinha attended graduation day of Angel Xpress Foundation (AXF). There, she celebrated Christmas with the kids of AXF. The actor cut the cake on the occasion. Angel Xpress Foundation (AXF) was started in 2012 as a platform for concerned citizens willing to tutor and mentor first-generation learners from slums in their neighborhood.
When asked about, how pleasant it was for her to celebrate Christmas with the kids of AXF, on this Sonakshi said, “I always use to wonder in what way I should celebrate Christmas every year, then I thought that the best way to celebrate Christmas, is with the children. I aim to do this every year, because this gives me an incredible feeling. I really enjoyed, when kids performed magnificently on various songs of my movies. Seeing them dancing, even I was getting a feeling to dance with them. The kids were truly amazing and I think whatever children do, they do it from the bottom of their heart.”
Sonakshi Sinha was last seen in her recently released movie ‘Dabangg 3’. The movie is perceiving good response from the viewers.
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